Thursday, December 28, 2006

In 2007...

1. Will you be looking for a new job?
Nope! I love my job!

2. Will you be looking for a new relationship?
No way!

3. New house?

4. What will you do differently in '07?
Hit my WW goal before 2008... 48 more lbs!

5. New Year's resolution?
See #4

6. What will you NOT be doing in '07?
i will not gain weight back.
I will not be getting anew job

7. Any trips planned?
Hopefully somewhere warm and wonderful in May

8. Wedding plans?
oy, quite a few to go to, who knows if i have plans for my own yet... gotta ask adam about that.

9. Major thing on your calendar?

10. What can't you wait for?
My family craziness to end.

11. What would you like to see happen differently?
Budget better

12. What about yourself will you be changing?
Losing weight, continuing to not smoke

13. Will you be nicer to the people you care about?

14. Will you dress differently this year then you did in '06?
YES!! Smaller clothes!!

15. Will you start or quit drinking?
Eh, dont really drink, don't really like it

16. Will you better your relationship with your family?
I hope so.

17. Will you do charity work?

18. Will you go to bars?

19. Will you be nice to people you don't know?

20. Do you expect '07 to be a good year for you?

21. How much did you change from last year to this year?
I'm 55 lbs lighter, and a lot happier.

22. Do you plan on having a child?

23. Will you still be friends with the same people you are friends with now?

24. Major lifestyle changes?
Not that I can think of

25. Will you be moving?
I hope not!

26. What will you make sure doesn't happen in 2007 that happened in 2006?
Going broke

27. What are your New Years Eve plans?
Going out to dinner

28. Will you have someone to kiss at midnight?
Yes! My one and only...

29. One wish for 07?
Happiness and health for all around me

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