Tuesday, November 11, 2008
It's all about my adventures in cooking dinner...
Sunday, September 21, 2008
In other news, I had a very busy week! Wednesday I went to the Cubs game with my mom and David
We had a lot of fun, and I ate waaaay too many peanuts. Thursday was exciting as well when Adam decided that it would be a good idea to put me on his auto insurance plan. Not only is it saving me money, but it's exciting to have more things combined.
Yesterday, we met with a wedding planner, then spent the afternoon tooling around Oakbrook while we killed time before dinner. The moms finally met last night!!! We had a really good time, and everyone seemed happy. Now, I'm just killing time on a lazy sunday while I figure out what to do with myself today...
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Yep, Core is the way for me
In other news, Lizz and Skylar are coming to play at the pool today! I'm so excited!!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
What a great dinner!
Tuna Noodle Casserole
1 (8 ounce) package ww noodles, cooked
1 can lf cream of celery soup
1 (12 ounce) can flaked tuna, drained
1 (14 1/2 ounce) can peas, drained
1 tablespoon chopped pimiento
1/3 cup onion, chopped
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
1/4 teaspoon paprika
1/2 cup ff milk
1/4 ff mayonnaise
1/4 cup ff sour cream
2 tbsp. dijon mustard
1 cup ff cheddar cheese
sprinkling of plain bread crumbs
Mix together tuna, peas, sour cream, mayo, mustard, seasonings. Mix in a large casserole dish. Heat milk and soup together, then add cheese. Stir until just melted, then pour over noodle mixture. Top with breadcrumbs (optional) and bake at 425* for about 20 min.
Friday, August 22, 2008
I'm sick of it
Wheres my switch like that? Why do I have to consume EVERYTHING thats put in front of me? Why do I LOATHE exercise?
damn genetics...
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
I got tagged...
I have been officially tagged by Christie over at What I Ate Yesterday
Here are the Rules:
1. Link back to the person that tagged you
2. Post the rules of tagging on your blog
3. Blog about 6 unspectacular quirks about yourself
4. Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them
5. Leave a comment on the blogs you tag so they know they are “it”
OK, so here goes, 6 things about me.
1. I have an odd obsession with buying shoes. I have waaay too many pairs
2. I used to desperately want to perm my hair, but when I turned 15, it got curly on its own
3. I can make a decent meal from seemingly unrelated ingredients
4. I'm incredibly proud of the fact that I stopped biting my nails.
5. I truly hate exercising.
6. I love painting my nails funky colors, even though everyone and their mother tells me its "tacky"
And for the fun part, I tag:
No one... i don't have any blogger friends besides Christie!!!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Weight loss and shrinkage
Then today, I went to get my engagement ring sized. I have no idea what exactly a ring size is measuring, but I do know that my pre-weight-loss size was 9. Today, my ring got sized all the way down to a 6! Hey, I like that at least one part of my body is a size 6...
In other news, camp follies is over, so now we can start relaxing and enjoying camp again. There's a Cubs vs. Brewers game field trip on Thursday, and my birthday party afterward! I CANT believe I'm turning 28...
Sunday, July 13, 2008
We're Engaged!!!
Last night, in a surprise move in a tea room at our sushi restaurant, Adam proposed!!! He'd been in with my dad (a jeweler) for months, and he made the ring.
We celebrated with wine, fruit, and cheesecake... and I was up 2 lbs this a.m. at WI...but I DON'T CARE!!!! It'll be gone next week, and I'm too happy to care!! It's been a whirlwind 2 days, including about 20 phone calls, 100 text messages, one mani-pedi, and a drunken soccer game with all my camp friends. Next... the planning... i have no idea where to begin!
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Must've done SOMETHING right!
Guess what? I lost 1.4 lbs this week.
Thats because I ate 50 Points® in one DAY... not EVERY day.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Can someone explain...
Am I a food snob? Probably. But is this still gross? Absolutely.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Doing something WRONG!
My leader suggested to up the water again, and to accept that with my change in schedule and activity level with camp starting, there might be an adjustment period where my body goes "WTF IS THIS?!" (Yes, he actually said that, we have a great relationship).
In other news, I'm finally feeling better. I've been diagnosed with environmental allergies that manifest themselves by making my eyes look like a) I have a wicked case of pink eye or b) have smoked so much reefer I shouldn't be able to function. Patanol is my new best friend.
Adam and I went to a wedding last night and we both looked fab, if I say so myself:
Oh, and I went blonde yesterday too.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Words are the best encouragement...
And then I thought about that. Those 3.2 ounces are 3 shots of liquor. Or one stick of butter (almost). I got some reassurance from friends and family that its still a LOSS, and I'm below 200 again!
Then I got to this open house thing, and saw loads of parents and campers I haven't seen since last August. Every last one of them told me how "fantastic" I looked, and how I'm "so much smaller" and that they "didn't recognize" me. That was just the boost I needed!!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
I'm a WOMAN, I'm not WEAK!
Sunday, June 08, 2008
That gain was WORTH IT!!!
- Fresh cream of pea soup with black truffles
- Stuffed breast of hen with a Door County cherry glaze
- marscapone cheesecake w/caramel
- handmade dark chocolate truffles
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Hump Day Bento
Here's my Wednesday's lunch bento, in my new ladybug printed oval box:

The lid is on the right. The top tier contains some cucumber/vinegar salad. The bottom tier contains a roast beef wrap with horseradish ff mayo and sugar snap peas. I'm in LOVE with this bento box because it seals tight without needing an elastic band. This will be perfect for camp!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Another week down...
15 pounds.
I'd like to lose 15 pounds between now and Labor Day. That's a pound a week for the next 15 weeks.
.6 down today... only 14.4 to go...
In other news, Skylar, my best friend's daughter/"niece" turns 3 tomorrow. Where has the time gone?!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Here's my bento for tomorrow, 5/30
The left (top) tier contains leftover chicken chilaquiles.
The right (bottom) tier contains baby bell peppers stuffed with Alouette light garlic and herb cheese and a side of low fat sour cream for the chilaquiles.
It's not that pretty of a bento because it's leftover casserole, but it will be delicious!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Insight and a Bento
And now, my very first bento picture, complete with food (as requested).
The lid is on the left. Bottom tier (top) contains whole wheat egg noodles with broccoli and parmesan, and 3 oz. of turkey smoked sausage (5), and the top tier contains mini sweet peppers filled with Alouette light garlic and herb cheese (1), and cherry tomatoes. This will be my lunch tomorrow, 5/27.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Bento Obsession

This was my first "package deal" that I purchased from eBay. I love the cutesiness of it!

This was a "fancy" box I got off eBay too, direct from Japan. It's a little small, so I usually supplement with a baggie of extra veggies or crackers.
I have one other one-tier box that has removable dividers, but it's in the car and I don't have a picture! It seals really tight though, which will be great for camp.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Does air have Points®???
Honestly though? I could be better about tracking. I could stop estimating serving sizes of my amazing low fat ice cream, not counting my oils, and start working out... that may help, huh? I'm still doing better than I would be if Adam hadn't joined with me, and he got his 20 lb. star this week!

In other news, I had a blast last weekend with Lizz at her aunt's wedding reception! Her family is always so warm and welcoming, and excited to see me no matter the situation. We'll get to see them again next weekend when Skylar turns 3! Adam still hasn't met them, and Lizz's mom doesn't believe he exists.
This is a picture of Lizz and I at that reception. Our good pictures are few and far between, and seriously, as vain as this sounds, I love how my legs look here!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
"Miss O, why are you emo?"
First you have to peel the sweet potato.
Then you have to cut the sweet potato in half.
Then you have to cut the half into slices.
Then you have to cut the slices into strips.
Then you sprinkle them with oil and ginger and bake them.
Oh yeah, and a raw sweet potato is just about as easy to cut as it is to cut wood with a butter knife.
By the time the sweet potato fries were DONE, I was calmer, and didn't eat BOATLOADS of them. Must remember this the next time I'm stressed.
Oh yeah, and I had a loss on Saturday... another .6 lbs! Go me!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Saturday, May 03, 2008
There she goes again...
I lost again! I've officially lost 52 lbs. HOLY CRAP!
And yesterday I bought a size 12 pair of pants from Old Navy. 12!!!!! I have not worn a size 12 in pants since, oh, 5 years ago...
Now, onward and downward!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
warning, do not tailgate
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Well... it happened...
I haven't been this "small" in over 18 months.
I'm so pleased with myself!
In other news: I played video games for 7 hours last night and had fun! I got to blow up virtual people... oddly stress relieving.
See Laurie? I had something to blog about!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
It's 10 p.m...
- I am not really hungry. My brain is telling me I'm hungry because I'm bored and/or tired and/or thirsty.
- I really don't understand WHY "The Office" is so funny. Make a satirical TV show about teaching then maybe I'd get that.
- Buying a size 14 pants at Banana Republic is really a big deal for me, considering I couldn't get into that size 6 months ago.
- The random clean spot on our otherwise filthy carpet is bothering me. I may steam clean the rest of it tomorrow just so the clean spot doesn't stick out.
- I love my new Coach bag.
- I'm REALLY hoping that I lose at least 1.2 lbs this week... must work out tomorrow.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Things that irk me
- People who have yes, lost a bunch of weight, but find it necessary to bash anyone who hasn't.
- I like Splenda. So kill me.
- People with 20K posts (approx) who literally live on the boards. GET A LIFE!
- Sock puppets
- under-nourished, over-exercising, overly sarcastic people who call everyone "dude"
- Stock market traders, ladies in particular
- C.O.W.s
- Post-its
- Being bashed for no reason, other than being me
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Strength in numbers
I had my biggest loss in 2 months yesterday: 2.4 lbs! Was it because I made particularly good choices? Probably. Was it because I measured out my lunches and dinners? Probably. Was it because after all this time, I finally have a partner in all this? ABSOLUTELY! I can't even put into words exactly how much easier it is to stay on plan when Adam is on plan too! We can discuss Points® and how many are in each meal/snack/piece of fruit/ridiculous meal we want. We can help each other make better choices, and that helps both of us. He lost 5.5 lbs in his first week!
What will be a challenge for me will be in 4 or 5 weeks when he's still losing 5 lbs a week and I'll probably be back to .5 lb losses. I'll need to STAY ON TRACK!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
I don't want to jinx it...
I've had some rough food decisions the last couple days, but since I'm following the Flex® Plan this week, I'm still well within my Points®.
I'm going to go back to the gym this week too. I think I'm ready to deal with the gym rats and "resolutioners" that have been overpowering the treadmills and weight machines since Jan. 1. Luckily, my gym isn't full of "perfect" women and men that make me feel like a fat blob among skeletons. I'm just about average really...
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Interesting turn of events.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
&$@##$% You Jack!
Jack, my absolutely fabulous leader, challenged me last week. After 11 months, yes 11 whole MONTHS of being within the same 6 pounds, I crawled on hands and knees to my leader after the getting started session and said "Jack, what should I do?" And he answered me, in all his fabulousness "Honey, I think you need to switch plans and bring me your tracker."
I LOST 3 POUNDS. So I'm tracking again.
That picture is my best friend and I on new years